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    PLANATOL System GmbH

    Fabrikstr. 30-32


    +49 8031 720-0

    Planatol System GmbH belongs to the Planatol Group based in Rohrdorf near Rosenheim. In the field of mechanical engineering Planatol System is one of the leading manufacturers of fold-gluing systems for rotary printing and in partnership with printers and press manufacturers has significantly moved this technology forward. In addition to this, Planatol System developed gluing equipment especially for applications outside the rotary printing. Coldjet and Hotjet are modular cold glue and hotmelt application systems which can be configured individually to customer-specific requirements for almost all adhesive applications in the most diverse segments of industry. The computer-controlled systems are suitable for standard applications like in the packaging and woodworking industry or for customized solutions. Because of a close collaboration with the sister company and adhesive manufacturer Planatol Wetzel GmbH, adhesives are matched to the customers’ demands on their final products.

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